You said we are in February already ? WHAATTT!
So we are supposed to be taking action our New Year resolutions right?
It is hard to remember what I did this last month. Nothing THAT exciting since, as explained in last month’s blog, the budget is quite tight. Some saving is also necessary to afford future travel post Singapore visa renewal trip,
One of the house has a little patch that I like to tender, along with the must necessary weeding of a space that could quickly turned into an ugly jungle.
Apparently this is known as “julien’s spot” .This is true that you’re very likely to find me on my pillow overlooking the front-yard.. Great spot to sit in the morning when the rest of the house is still sleeping, but that the street is gradually waking up.
Sometime the outdoor comes indoor too as I have that habit is to put flowers fallen off the tree into a stone bowl, or recycling coconuts to put plants inside. Teased by some,it does not matter as long as I enjoy doing it!
But I’ve been working more on a far less natural matter as well : plastic.
Bali is a paradise. No doubt about it. However, better to come sooner than later as this paradise will have a hard awakening in a few years if serious action is not – at least – planned.
I attended a conference calling for campaigning toward the ban of plastic bags on the island. I was part of the media/PR workshop to define a strategy that would tackle the issue. Great brainstorming!
The main conference, ran by kids was very interesting. However, and as pointed by one of the speaker, 70% of the attendance was foreigner, highlighting one problem I also identified in various Facebook groups talking about the environment in Bali : A strong domination of foreigners. How much are local people involved in the protection of their own island? Hard to tell.
A very good example of this is the name of the group “Bye Bye Plastic Bag” and the name of the campaign “one island, one voice”. All is in English. The population who needs to be reached is likely to speak little English and in overall, even if they do, it sounds difficult to empower the local population when not using their own language.
With the current music festival project, I try my best to surround myself with Indonesian teammates who obviously are the best to communicate and thus empower effectively to their country-mates. As empowerment is the key.