
Use your creativity, take initiative and be the change!

Volunteering Placement

Malaga, Spain, 1st of April to 30th June 2015 (Application is now closed)

Act Global Indonesia is currently working with our partner NGO from  Estonia, Spain, FYROM (Macedonia), Kenya and Cameroon for a project called “Use your creativity, take initiative and be the change!”. This is a capacity building project which consists of 2 parts: youth workers mobility event and European voluntary service (EVS) project. The aim of project is to fight poverty and youth unemployment by developing youth’s creativity and sense of entrepreneurship.

Concrete aims of this project are as follows:

* Develop the creativity of young people with fewer opportunities to help them find jobs in future or start their own business
* Develop young people’s sense of initiative and entrepreneurship to help them overcome difficulties and avoid falling into poverty
* Use non-formal education to discover youth’s strengths and weaknesses and prepare them for future
* Introduce good practices and means for self-development for young people
* Promote volunteering as opportunity to gain competences needed for future careers
* Give volunteers experience in the working with young people with fewer opportunities, develop their creativity and build their confidence for involving in job market after volunteering

The first part of the project was done in Bali in February 2015. The second part (volunteering placement) will be done during the period of April – June 2015. During service, volunteers will be working in non-privileged areas in the town – in community centers, sport clubs, youth centers, schools. They will organize non-formal workshops for local youth and children, to help increase their creativity and sense of entrepreneurship.

Please follow us on Facebook to get an update on this and our other future events!

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