Youth Network for Social Entrepreneurship
Job Shadowing, European Voluntary Service
Bangalore, India - Denpasar, Indonesia - Denpasar, Indonesia - Murcia, Spain - Montegranaro, Italy - Thessaloniki, Greece, 1st September 2017 - 31st August 2019 ()
Project characteristics and relevance
- Social entrepreneurship as a way to overcome the crisis and reduce youth unemployment.
- To empower the youth workers with important skills and all the knowledge and tools to support the youngsters in the implementation of their ideas.
- To create Youth Academies (social projects and enterprises incubators) in each partner organizations that will work together, creating a Youth Network for Social Entrepreneurship.
- to work with NEETs, fighting against the youth unemployment and lack of participation
- to empower youth workers in order to create an environment that fosters youngsters to develop an entrepreneurial spirit through the creation of business incubators for social enterprises/projects
- to develop in the youth workers the key skills needed to encourage and support the youngsters turning their ideas into reality.
- Youth Academies: YW will put all the knowledge they have acquired into practice, developing in their organizations the social project/enterprise incubator. The volunteers that participated in the EVS experience should be supported by YW, developing their projects in these spaces and receiving all the needed support. At the same time, youngsters will receive specific training in social entrepreneurship to empower them to be mentors of new youngsters that want to start their own projects through peer learning methodologies.
- Youth Network of Social Entrepreneurship: After the creation of 6 Youth Academies, we will establish an effective network of cooperation between youth organizations through which we shall develop concerted strategies to approach common issues that affect youth, thus becoming the main promoter of the empowerment of young people, youth associations, and their communities as a whole.
- Manual with general information about the project; tools, methods and approaches for stimulating and inspiring NEETs; best practices; step-by-step processes; Young entrepreneurs testimonials; Social entrepreneurship potential; Among others. This manual will give support to the YW in their daily work with youngsters, to the youngsters that want to start new projects and to the organizations that want to create a Youth Academy and to be part of the Youth Network.
- The online platform, free and available for everybody, with general information of the project; all the material created during the project; other relevant didactic material related with the project subjects; a skills bank platform and a management project program to support the implementation of the projects.
PARTNERS : Associação Juvenil SYnergia (Portugal), Asociacion Cultural Euroaccion (Spain), Scambieuripei (Italy), Alter Ego (Greece), FSL India (India), Act Global (Indonesia)
The project will be implemented in three phases with a total duration of 24 months, from 1st September 2017 till 31st August 2019 :
PHASE 1 Preparation (duration: 3 months – September to November 2017)
PHASE 2 – Implementation (duration: 18 months – December 2017 to May 2019)
February 2018: Training course “New skills for the future entrepreneurs” Montegranaro, Italy / 5 days / 10 youth workers (2 from each EU country + 1 from each non-EU country)
February 2018: Territorial boot camps + Reports Each partner country (local activity) / 2 days duration/ Minimum 25 NEETs per country.
October 2018 – April 2019: Creation of Youth Academies + Youth Network of Social, Entrepreneurship- local activity
October 2018 – Midterm meeting Denpasar, Indonesia / 6 days / 7 participants (1 coordinator from each partner country + 1 staff member)
December 2018: Training course “Social entrepreneurship: tools and strategies” Thessaloniki, Greece / 5 days / 10 youth workers (2 from each EU country + 1 from each non-EU country)
May 2019 Youth exchange “Social market”Murcia, Spain / 5 days / 30 participants (4 participants + 1 group leader from each country)
June 2019 Final conference + Evaluation meeting Braga, Portugal / 5 days / 7 participants
July/August 2019 Local conferences
Job Shadowing and local entrepreneurship :
Bangalore, India / 15 days / 2 youth workers (1 from Portugal+1 from Spain)
Denpasar, Indonesia / 15 days / 2 youth workers (1 from Italy+1 from Greece)
European Voluntary Service
Bangalore, India / 7 months / 4 volunteers (1 from each EU country)
Denpasar, Indonesia / 7 months / 4 volunteers (1 from each EU country)
Denpasar, Indonesia / 7 months / 1 volunteer (from India)
Murcia, Spain / 7 months / 1 volunteer (from India)
Montegranaro, Italy / 7 months / 1 volunteer (from Indonesia)
Thessaloniki, Greece / 7 months / 1 volunteer (from Indonesia)
PHASE 3 – Evaluation and follow up (duration: 3 months -June to August 2019)