Application form – Business in Britain

[db_form id=Business_in_Britain]

for Training Course “Business in Britain”, January 12-19th, Wales, United Kingdom

Application deadline: 10.10.2014
You will be informed about the selection result on: 24.10.2014

Your details

The contact details you provide us below will be used for all correspondence!

[label]First name (as on your passport)[/label] [input name=sql_first_name required=true] [label]Surname (as on your passport)[/label] [input name=sql_surname required=true] [label]Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)[/label] [input name=sql_dob required=true] [label]Place & country of birth[/label] [input name=sql_pace_of_birth required=true] [label]Gender[/label] [select name=sql_gender required=true options=Male;Female] [label]Home address[/label] [input name=sql_home_address required=true] [label]Post code[/label] [input name=sql_home_postcode required=true] [label]City[/label] [input name=sql_city required=true] [label]Country[/label] [input name=sql_country required=true] [label]Phone
(preferably mobile with full international dial codes)[/label] [input name=sql_phone required=true] [label]E-mail[/label] [input name=sql_email required=true]

Please describe briefly yourself and your motivation to participate in this event.

Tell us a bit about yourself and why do you want to get involved in this project. What would you like to learn, understand and experience during this training course?

[textarea name=sql_about_me required=true close=false]

Knowledge and experiences

What is your personal/professional experience in relation with this topic ? Or maybe ideas or past experience you can share about this topic

[textarea name=sql_knowledge required=true close=false]

Language(s) spoken:

Please mention all languages in which you are able to work and indicate your level for each of it (B-basic, G-good, VG-very good, F-fluent, MT-mother tongue)

Please note that working language for this course will be English.

[textarea name=sql_language_abilities required=true close=false]

Do you have any special needs or requirements that the host organization should know about?

(E.g. mobility, medical needs, allergies, dietary restrictions, smoker/non-smoker)

[textarea name=sql_special_needs required=false close=false]

Your organization (if applicable)

[label]Name of your organization[/label][input name=sql_organization_name required=false] [label]Complete address[/label][input name=sql_organization_address required=false] [label]Town[/label][input name=sql_organization_town required=false] [label]Country[/label][input name=sql_organization_country required=false]

What are the objectives, main activities and target group of your organization?

[textarea name=sql_organization_description required=false close=false]

What is your role (i.e. volunteer, youth worker, board member, director …) and your tasks? (if applicable)

[textarea name=sql_organization_roles required=false close=false]

Anything else we forgot to ask but you would like to add?

[textarea name=sql_misc required=false close=false] [submit value=Send_Application] [send_confirmation]

Thank you for your submitted application for Training Course “Business in Britain

You will be informed about the selection result on: 24.10.2014
Please note that you should not buy or book your tickets before the selection process and without our confirmation from the Act Global Team.

Please <a title=”Facebook” href=”” target=”_blank”>follow us on Facebook</a> to get an update on our future events!

[/send_confirmation] [/db_form]
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