
World Oceans Day: How to be Responsible Marine Tourist

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On the 8th of June, we celebrate World’s Ocean Day. Many people talked about the waste going to the ocean, but there are not many talks about the coral in the ocean, although it’s crucial to our ecosystem, marine ecosystem to be specific. Not only is it important to the ecosystem, but also it attracts tourists. Divers dive to see the beauty of our underwater world. It gives income to the local people where the sea is located no matter what. If the coral is damaged, no one would want to see that and it will affect local people’s economy as well, sooner or later we will also feel the effects environmentally.

For this reason, we want to increase awareness about underwater life, it has more problems than just a waste. The Act Global team interviewed a lecturer of Marine Cultivation from the Ganesha University of Education, I Gede Wahyu Dani Dharmawan, S.I.K., M.Si.

Main problems in the marine ecosystem are:

  1. Waste,
  2. Divers step on the corals,
  3. Ships anchor, and
  4. Chemicals from ship.

Specifically talking about corals, waste in the marine ecosystem can cover the corals’ mouth, food can’t enter the body if the mouth is covered with debris. Maybe we think there is not much we can do about corals as an individual. But we have to act even with the smallest step. What we can do as an individual is at least we have to throw our waste correctly. Produce as little waste as possible. And if you dive, leave nothing but bubbles, don’t step on the corals. 

I Gede Wahyu Dani Dharmawan, S.I.K., M.Si.

Indonesia is a marine country and it is our responsibility to take care of our environment. Nowadays, Indonesia’s marine tourism from Sabang to Merauke has been growing with some famous diving spots such as:

  1. Raja Ampat,
  2. Bunaken,
  3. Karimun Jawa,
  4. Weh Island,
  5. Komodo Island,
  6. Labuan Bajo.

And there are still many diving spots in each area of Indonesia. Environmental problems are structural problems. To solve environmental problems, every party (government, industry, and people) has to collaborate. Government should create policies that regulate the environment, industries have to follow it and as individuals, we have to do our part.

Written by: Nevy Pangestika

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