Act Global is an organisation that offers professional development through training courses, exchanges, consultancy, seminars and cultural experiences.

Our organisation aims to educate young people about the world and the cultures that live within it. To achieve this goal, we develop and deliver international projects for young people and organisations working with young people, while also working with NGOs, businesses, government bodies, educational institutes and other private and donor funders. We also provide consultancy services to any size organisation worldwide that support the youth and community sector.

What we do


Training Courses

We offer a range of training Courses with themes such as social inclusion, conflict management & professional development. Our training courses can also be tailored for specific audience or organisation’s needs.

Consultancy Services

We specialise in non-formal education and engagement with young people. With our consultancy service we are able to support institutions in their youth engagement plans and activities.
cultural exchanges


As part of Act Global’s aim to develop young global citizens, we work with partners to develop and deliver theme-based youth exchanges. These can cover a broad range of topics from working with disability to cultural events.

Study Visit

We offer study visit to the UK to observe how the youth & community sector works. The visit will take you to various locations in the UK including a trip to London. Additional excursions and activities can all be planned.
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